The reason that I believe in Jesus is because I know that without believing and trusting in Him I would probably literally go CRAZY. I have a real problem with over worrying and fretting about things...even things that are beyond my control. I think that I must have "inherited" this characteristic, problem, whatever, from my dad, who is the biggest worrier I know. Anyways, I have always "believed" in Jesus as long as I can remember. Probably from as early as learning "Jesus Loves Me this I Know". I grew up in a Christian family and was always in church, so I guess it was just a given that I would grow to believe in Jesus. But not until I got older did I really see why I needed and wanted to believe in Jesus. With all of my worries that accumulate in my "psychotic" little mind , I have to know that everything is going to be okay. I put my trust and beliefs in Jesus, that He will get me through each day, that He will help me know that "we will make it to the next paycheck", that "the truck breaking down AGAIN" is not the end of the world, that "I can watch my kids ride their bikes and not think they are going to wreck and bleed everywhere", that "Andy's not going to have an accident on the school bus because he has 70 shrilling, heathen kids sitting behind him". I have to know that everything will be alright or I would surely go CRAZY. Jesus gives me this peace of mind that everything is going to be okay and that one day I will be with Him in Heaven and NEVER, EVER have anymore worries. My reasons are many and way too long to list on this simple blog. My question is, how can you not believe in Jesus/God when you look around, experience the birth of life, to live, to breath, and to die.
Hey April, I enjoyed reading that. Being somewhat of a worrier myself, I can relate. It's easy sometimes to dwell on the fact that your whole world may fall apart at any second. Jesus helps me in that because I know that it's not all meaningless. That even if my worst fear comes true there is at least comfort in knowing that God is there and my circumstances aren't just random and meaningless things happening to some random guy in Alabama. Jesus actually cares about what happens to me.
I thought that was really good. I tend to worry a lot sometimes too.
I changed up my blogspot page today, and then I came to yours and it looks almost the same as how I made mine.
i am so glad that i made your list of "things that could go horribly, tragically wrong at any moment." i feel so loved.
in all seriousness, that was very well said.
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